The name K&N Filters has long been standing for one of the best air filters for automobiles known to man. It’s made of high quality; it improves performance while at the same time increases engine efficiency. How does it work? Read on as we find out.
We managed to contact Cynthia Wert, who is the International Account Manager for K&N Engineering Inc, this is what she had to say on the filtration capabilities of the K&N air filter.
“The filter is meant to separate dirt and dust particles, and not air molecules, which get suspended in the air, range in size from 5-120 microns (some larger, some smaller), which would cause premature wear, damage, or catastrophic failure to an internal combustion engine, if ingested. The largest of the molecules we are discussing are Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O). A CO2 molecule has an average width of 3.42 Angstrom, and an H2O molecule has an average width of 2.11 Angstrom. A CO2 particle measuring 3.42 Angstrom across is equivalent to 0.000342 microns, and an H2O particle would be 0.000211 microns. For comparison, ISO Test Dust, which we use to test our air filters, is made up of a distribution of different size particles, of which the smallest are 1-5 microns. Nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere are diatomic (N2) and have an average width of 2.20 Angstrom, or 0.000220 microns.”
In short K&N filters would do a better job in filtration that the factory fitted one, eliminating the drawbacks of the same. If you’re planning to purchase a K&N, be sure to go with an authentic one, here is how you verify the authenticity as mentioned by by George Hsieh from the K&N Tech Support: Every K&N air filter has 1 or 2, 6 digit mould number on the rubber base or top of the air filter. This will tell you whether the filter is authentic.
Owning a K&N; Care and Maintenance: Cleaning a K&N is very simple. For cleaning there are no kilometer intervals. But in general, the company recommends cleaning the filters every 40,000 kms, cleaning is also advised based on visual inspection. Every K&N has a cotton mesh as well as wire mesh. As per company recommendation, if the wire mesh is not visible then is the time for cleaning. The company also provides special cleaning kit which includes a cleaning solution (solvent) and an oil. Any other oil is not recommended for K&N and the same goes for cleaning liquids or agents.
Here is the procedure of cleaning the filter.
- Step 1. Remove the filter from carburettor or air box.
- Step 2. Spray the given solution on filter surface from inner side and outer side.
- Step 3. Keep the filter untouched till maximum 10 minutes.
- Step 4. Wash the filter in plain water without pressure. (Small quantity of Liquid Soap is permissible for washing, then apply plain regular water to clean and remove the soapy water)
- Step 5. If there is any dirt remaining on the filter body then repeat the step 2.
- Step 6. After washing the filter in the water keep the filter for drying. Natural drying is advisable for K&N filters to avoid the damages. (Do not use compressed air, that will damage the cotton mesh)
- Step 7. Before applying oil, make sure the filter is completely dry. After drying the filter, apply the given K&N oil on outer surface. Do not use the oil from inner side.
- Step 8. Refit the filter.
Ready to use. Enjoy the Performance.
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